EPO Actuatoradvantages
EPO Actuator is characterized by big savings of electrical energy and other operating costs compared with hydraulic or hydraulic pneumatic drive.
energy saving
with hydraulic
compared with
hydraulic pneumatic
Other savings
(up to 10%)
no oil issues and oil change
without operation and servicing of pressure equipment
without the need for ventilation and cooling of the large residual heat and smell of the hydraulics
Low operating and
maintenance costs
you realize electro revisions with the whole equipment
in service intervals you only add the piston rods lubricant
In the most applications, EPO Actuator is faster than hydraulic or hydraulic pneumatic drive.
Higher speed = more products
Higher speed means shorter takt time and therefore higher productivity and more products produced by one equipment or need of less equipment with the same production volume.
EPO Actuator can be delivered in variable accuracy classes according to the needs of the specific application.
accuracy up to +/-
By the use of servo drives and components with the higher accuracy, EPO Actuator achieves the above- standard high positioning accuracy up to +/- 0,05mm.
Furthermore, the power and speed regulating possibility according to the position = variable power and speed course.
EPO Actuator is characterized by large axial forces also at high speed.
Forces 10kN up to
Standard force range of EPO Actuator is 10 – 300 kN.
Actuators with the larger force we can design individual, according to the need of the customer.
Also at standard EPO Actuator, we realize calculation and dimensioning for the specific application including the theoretical lifetime.
With the use of EPO Actuator you ensure the clean technology without the risk of contamination of products, better work environment for employees and more representative production areas for customer visits.
You solve
no hydraulic oil leaks
no drips
no oily aerosol from pneumatic
no deposited greasy dusth
EPO Actuator is characterized by low noise because for its working no pumps and compressors are needed.
Low noise of
the workplace
Better workplace for the employee.
Low noise emissions in the working area.
Improving workplace categorization.
Without the need to protect employee´s hearing.
Depending on the connected drive and sensors of EPO Actuator we are able to deliver the wide range of the signals and information to the superior control and evaluation systems.